Birthday Cake Surprise -Fine Motor Fun

​And our adventures continue trying to beat the heat this summer...Bored with play dough? Have a kiddo who loves talking about all things birthday?Just want to keep the kids entertained indoors to escape the relentless summer heat? 😩😭


Enter birthday cake surprise! Place candles into the β€œcake” and then decorate the candles! You can make patterns if you want to make it more challenging. And of course sing happy birthday 1,000 times πŸ˜†


This activity is great for any age really. All you need is play dough, spaghetti noodles, marshmallows and Cheerios. πŸ‘Œif you have any foam blocks laying around (we found ours at the dollar store) it adds a bonus challenge πŸ‘


This activity works on lots of things, including sensory exploration, grasp development and strengthening, fine motor precision and graded pressure modulation.


Most wild boys (ahem, my son) and wild girls too, who are described often as β€˜too rough’ are missing the ability to grade (control) their pressure on objects might have a hard time with activities such as this. They might appear clumbsy or too rough. They spill, accidentally crush things πŸ˜‚ and have a hard time with things that require them to s l o w their bodies down.


Pushing the marshmallows onto the spaghetti noodles without breaking them and also pushing the noodles into the foam bricks requires a lot of graded pressure modulation so it’s a great activity for those wild ones.


We did lose a few noodles, but in the end, my wild boy was able to master his birthday cake surprise!πŸ‘ŒπŸ€—πŸ‘πŸ™Œ


Try it with your kiddos and let me know how they doπŸ˜ƒ


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