Cutting Straws + Build a House

Anyone else feeling the summertime crazies already?!

I will openly admit I have been going a little stir crazy around here. Keeping these guys busy is imperative to my sanity!

Thank goodness I pulled out one of my all time favorite fine motor activities yesterday and was able to keep these busy little hands at work for quite some time!

✂️Cutting Staws +  Build a House🌈🏠


You’ll need:


✂️Colorful straws




Cutting straws is the absolute best in my opinion.  Here’s why I think it’s the cats pajamas:


🎉It’s always my go to as the first step to teaching scissor skills due to the fact that it’s one small snip and way less challenging than cutting paper

🎉It gives toddlers instant gratification

🎉The straws literally shoot across the room and they (and I) think it’s hysterical

🎉It gives great feedback (auditory and propricoeptive) to a beginning cutter like my 2 year old

🎉It’s a bilateral (two handed) task that makes the 🧠left and right sides of the brain work together as a team to build good motor planning skills!

Adding a second step to build a house made it a bit more challenging (and increased the task completion time 🙌)for my 4 year old buddy who’s got cutting down pact.

This week I’m partnering with, an amazing resource for all things parenting,  and I just LOVED this list of Fun & Educational DIY Crafts for Toddlers.


If you’re having the summertime mom crazies, like me, I think you’ll find this list very useful! 

Ashley Thurn

Ashley Is a pediatric Occupational Therapist based in Miami Florida and is more importantly a wife and a mother of two amazing kids.  Ashley has a Master's degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Florida and specializes in normal and delayed childhood development, fine motor skills, handwriting, picky eating/food aversions, childhood nutrition, sensory processing and autism spectrum disorders.  


Blueberry Muffin Breakfast Bread - Gluten Free, Vegan, Paleo


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